


特沃德罗斯·阿达诺姆(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus),生于1965年埃塞俄比亚阿斯马拉市,埃塞俄比亚国籍,毕业于诺丁汉大学和伦敦大学,国际知名疟疾研究专家,原埃塞俄比亚外交部长和卫生部长。现任世界卫生组织总干事,是世卫组织首位来自非洲的总干事。



大家下午好。 我像往常一样,先从最新数字谈起。 截至日内瓦时间今天上午6点,中国向世卫组织报告了总共77362例2019冠状病毒病病例,包括2618例死亡。 在过去24小时内,中国报告了416例新增确诊病例和150例死亡。 我们对中国境内病例的持续下降感到欣慰。


今天早些时候,世卫组织—中国联合专家组结束了访察并提交了报告。 如你们所知,联合专家组去了几个省,也去了武汉市。 联合专家组就病毒的传播性、疾病的严重程度以及所采取措施的效果得出了一系列结论。 他们发现,疫情在1月23日至2月2日期间达到高峰并稳定下来,之后一直在稳步下降。 他们发现病毒本身未发生明显变异。 他们发现,武汉的病死率在2%到4%之间,武汉以外地区的病死率为0.7%。 他们发现,轻症患者康复时间约为两周,患有严重或危重疾病的人在三到六周内康复。 联合专家组还估计,中国采取的措施避免了大量病例。 


联合专家组报告载有大量其他信息,列明了我们仍无答案的问题,并提出了22 项建议。 布鲁斯·艾尔沃德博士明天将代表联合专家组作更详细的介绍。 能够给所有国家带来希望、勇气和信心的关键信息是,这一病毒是可以控制的。 事实上,许多国家正是这样做的。 在中国以外,目前28个国家有2074例病例,23例死亡。 意大利、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和大韩民国的病例骤然增加,令人深感忧虑。 


有很多人猜测,这些国家的病例增加是否意味着疫情现已成为大流行。 我们能理解为什么人们会问这个问题。 当中国境外的病例不到100例,其中有8例人际传播时,世卫组织即宣布了国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,这是我们的最高警戒级别。


我们决定是否使用”大流行”一词来描述某一流行病取决于对病毒的地理传播、所引起疾病的严重程度及其对整个社会的影响的持续评估。目前,我们没有看到这种病毒在全球不受控制地蔓延,也没有看到大规模的严重疾病或死亡事件。 这种病毒有大流行的可能吗?当然有。我们到了那种地步了吗?根据我们的评估,还没有。 那么,我们应该如何描绘当前的形势呢? 我们看到的是,这一疾病在世界不同地区流行,以不同的方式影响国家,对之需要采取有针对性的对策。 新病例的突然增加当然令人十分担忧。 我一直在说需要事实,而非恐惧。 现在使用大流行一词不符合事实,肯定会引起恐慌。 此时此刻不是关注我们使用什么词的时候。 使用这个词今天既不会阻止一次感染,也不会拯救任何人的生命。


现在是所有国家、社区、家庭和个人集中精力做好准备的时候。 我们并非生活在一个非黑即白的二元世界。 这不是非此即彼的问题。我们必须专心防控,同时尽我们所能为潜在的大流行做好准备。 没有放之四海而皆准的方法。每个国家都必须针对本国的国情进行自我风险评估。世卫组织也在继续进行自己的风险评估,并日夜监测这一流行病的演变情况。 至少有三大重点。 





在过去几天里,我与法国、德国、印度尼西亚、古巴和大韩民国的外交部长举行了会议。我感谢他们同意支持这种应对办法。 我还要感谢欧盟委员会捐款2.32亿欧元。这体现了全球团结互助精神,我为此感到鼓舞。法国、德国和瑞典还宣布额外捐款。 这是一种共同的威胁。我们唯有一道面对,我们一起才能克服。 如果我们团结一致,如果国家、各区域和全球医疗卫生机构、媒体、私营部门以及世界各地人民通力合作,就会形成巨大的集体力量。 单枪匹马,我们必输无疑。万众一心,我们一定能赢。 




WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 – 24 February 2020

24 February 2020
Good afternoon everyone.

Let me start, as always, with the latest numbers.

As of 6am Geneva time this morning, China has reported a total of 77,362 cases of COVID-19 to WHO, including 2618 deaths.

In the past 24 hours, China has reported 416 new confirmed cases, and 150 deaths.

We’re encouraged by the continued decline in cases in China.

Earlier today the WHO-China joint mission concluded its visit and delivered its report.

As you know, the team has traveled to several different provinces, including Wuhan.

The team has made a range of findings about the transmissibility of the virus, the severity of disease and the impact of the measures taken.

They found that the epidemic peaked and plateaued between the 23rd of January and the 2nd of February, and has been declining steadily since then.

They have found that there has been no significant change in the DNA of the virus.

They found that the fatality rate is between 2% and 4% in Wuhan, and 0.7% outside Wuhan.

They found that for people with mild disease, recovery time is about two weeks, while people with severe or critical disease recover within three to six weeks.

The team also estimate that the measures taken in China have averted a significant number of cases.

The report contains a wealth of other information, highlights questions for which we still don’t have answers, and includes 22 recommendations.

Dr Bruce Aylward will give more detail tomorrow on behalf of the joint team.

But the key message that should give all countries hope, courage and confidence is that this virus can be contained.

Indeed, there are many countries that have done exactly that.

Outside China, there are now 2074 cases in 28 countries, and 23 deaths.

The sudden increases of cases in Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Korea are deeply concerning.

There’s a lot of speculation about whether these increases mean that this epidemic has now become a pandemic.

We understand why people ask that question.

WHO has already declared a public health emergency of international concern – our highest level of alarm – when there were less than 100 cases outside China, and 8 cases of human-to-human transmission.

Our decision about whether to use the word “pandemic” to describe an epidemic is based on an ongoing assessment of the geographical spread of the virus, the severity of disease it causes and the impact it has on the whole of society.

For the moment, we are not witnessing the uncontained global spread of this virus, and we are not witnessing large-scale severe disease or death.

Does this virus have pandemic potential? Absolutely, it has. Are we there yet? From our assessment, not yet.

So how should we describe the current situation?

What we see are epidemics in different parts of the world, affecting countries in different ways and requiring a tailored response.

The sudden increase in new cases is certainly very concerning.

I have spoken consistently about the need for facts, not fear.

Using the word pandemic now does not fit the facts, but it may certainly cause fear.

This is not the time to focus on what word we use.

That will not prevent a single infection today, or save a single life today.

This is a time for all countries, communities, families and individuals to focus on preparing.

We do not live in a binary, black-and-white world.

It’s not either-or. We must focus on containment, while doing everything we can to prepare for a potential pandemic.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every country must make its own risk assessment for its own context. WHO is also continuing to do its own risk assessment and is monitoring the evolution of the epidemic around the clock.

But there are at least three priorities.

First, all countries must prioritize protecting health workers.

Second, we must engage communities to protect people who are most at risk of severe disease, particularly the elderly and people with underlying health conditions.

And third, we must protect countries that are the most vulnerable, by doing our utmost to contain epidemics in countries with the capacity to do it.

In the past few days I have held meetings with the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Indonesia, Cuba and the Republic of Korea, and I want to thank them for agreeing to support the response.

I also wish to thank the European Commission for its contribution of 232 million euros, which demonstrates the kind of global solidarity that gives me hope. France, Germany and Sweden have also announced additional contributions.

This is a shared threat. We can only face it together, and we can only overcome it together.

When we act together – countries, regional and global health organizations, the media, the private sector, and people everywhere – our collective strength is formidable.

Alone, we lose. Together, we win.

I thank you.


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